Trademark Registration

Registering a Trademark in the UAE to Protect your Business

Published On: November 6, 2018Views: 253

Trademark Registration UAE | Protect your Business

A registered trademark protects your brand. It provides tools to prevent someone from using similar branding & riding off the back of your business.

With your brand registered in the UAE, you are within your rights to take action against parties who are operating with conflicting brands and damaging your reputation.

What is a Trademark?

A trademark is a recognizable sign, design, or expression that identifies a specific product or service and distinguishes it from others. It can be a word, phrase, symbol, logo, design, image, or even a combination of these elements. Think of it as a unique signature for your brand, instantly recognizable to consumers.

Trademark Laws in the UAE

The UAE has established robust trademark laws and regulations to protect intellectual property rights. The UAE Trademark Office, under the Ministry of Economy, is responsible for administering and enforcing these laws. Before proceeding with a trademark registration, it is crucial to conduct a comprehensive trademark search to ensure the proposed mark does not conflict with any existing trademarks registered in the UAE or risk infringing upon another trademark owner’s exclusive rights.

According to Federal Decree Law No. 36 of 2021, trademarks can be registered for various goods and services based on the Nice Classification system. This federal law governs all aspects of trademark registration, maintenance, and enforcement in the UAE.

Different Types of Trademarks

Trademarks come in various forms, each playing a role in building brand identity:

  • Brand Names: These are the words or phrases that directly identify your company or product. Think of Apple, Coca-Cola, or Kleenex.
  • Logos: These are visual symbols that represent your brand. The iconic Apple logo or the golden arches of McDonald’s are perfect examples.
  • Slogans: Catchy phrases or mottos can also be trademarked. Examples include Nike’s “Just Do It” or Maybelline’s “Maybe She’s Born With It, Maybe It’s Maybelline.”
  • Product Designs: The unique design of your product can also be trademarked. This protects the distinctive shape or configuration of a product, like the Coca-Cola bottle.
  • Sounds and Smells: Believe it or not, even sounds (like jingles) and smells (like a specific perfume scent) can be trademarked if they become uniquely associated with a brand.

The Function of Trademarks in Business

Brand Protection: A registered trademark grants you legal ownership of your brand identifier. This helps prevent competitors from using confusingly similar marks, safeguarding your brand reputation and customer loyalty.

Competitive Advantage: A strong trademark can become a valuable asset for your business. It allows you to build brand recognition and trust, ultimately giving you a competitive edge in the market.

Marketing and Advertising: Trademarks play a crucial role in marketing and advertising efforts. They provide a recognizable symbol that helps consumers easily identify your brand in a crowded marketplace.

Increased Value: A well-established trademark can increase the overall value of your business. This is because it represents a trusted brand identity and loyal customer base.

Why Trademark Registration is Essential for Your Business in the UAE

The United Arab Emirates is a thriving hub for businesses, both local and international. With a competitive market comes the need to stand out, and a crucial element in achieving this is a strong brand identity. But how do you protect the unique identity you’ve carefully crafted? Trademark registration in the UAE emerges as a powerful tool for businesses seeking to:

  • Shield Your Brand Name and Logo: Imagine the time and effort invested in building a brand name and logo that resonates with your target audience. Trademark registration acts as a legal shield, preventing unauthorized use of your brand identifiers by others. This ensures your customers always associate your brand name and logo with the genuine product or service they expect.
  • Dissuade Copycat Competitors: Competition is healthy, but unfair competition can damage your business. Registering your trademark discourages competitors from using confusingly similar names or logos. This creates a clear distinction in the marketplace, protecting your hard-earned customer base and preventing them from being misled by imitators.
  • Fuel Brand Recognition and Client Trust: A registered trademark becomes a powerful marketing tool. It allows consumers to easily identify your brand in a sea of competitors. Over time, a strong trademark becomes synonymous with quality, reliability, or a specific experience, fostering trust and loyalty among clients.
  • Empower Legal Action: Unfortunately, trademark infringement can occur. However, a registered trademark empowers you to take legal action against companies that misuse your brand identifiers. This legal recourse allows you to protect your brand reputation, prevent financial losses, and enforce your exclusive rights.

Trademark Registration

Before you proceed on the path to trademark registration, it’s important to know that the UAE is a signatory of the Berne Convention.

This means that businesses in the UAE cannot copy registered trademarks or any other protected intellectual property created by companies in jurisdictions that are also signatories to the convention. In layman’s terms, just because a business brand from overseas has not established itself in the UAE does not grant you the ability to register a similar brand in the UAE.

It pays to register at the outset of launching your business, as opposed to trying to sort out costly problems down the line through legal action.

The complete process of registering a trademark takes between 18 and 24 months on average. The UAE Ministry of Economy oversees trademark applications. The trademark registration process can be facilitated through their e-services website.

For the trademark application, you will need the following items:

  • Valid business trading license
  • Sample of trademark design
  • Comprehensive list of goods and services that require trademark protection
  • Power of attorney on behalf of the firm
  • Passport of the person signing the application
  • Contact details of the person registering for the trademark

Trademark Registration Fee

  • The fees for registering a trademark are between AED 15,000 and AED 20,000.
  • Keep in mind that the trademark is valid for a period of 10 years and is subject to renewal.
  • Once the Ministry of Economy has received your application, you will receive an initial provisional approval within 30 days.
  • You must subsequently pay the ministry to publish the announcement of your application in two Arabic newspapers in the UAE.
  • If a reader of one of the Arabic newspapers has an objection, they must lodge it with the ministry within a specified period which could then lead to a rejection of your application.
  • If there are no obstacles in your application, the Ministry will issue a certificate of trademark registration.
  • The UAE trademark registration certificate contains your official registration number, application and registration date, trade name, your trademark, and a description of the goods and services that are covered.

Trademark Maintenance and Renewal

Once a trademark is successfully registered, the trademark owner enjoys exclusive rights to use the mark for a specific duration, typically 10 years. However, it is essential to maintain and renew the trademark registration to continue benefiting from intellectual property protection.

The renewal process involves submitting an application to the UAE Trademark Office, along with the required fees and any necessary documentation, such as a priority document if claiming priority from an earlier application. Failure to renew the registration on time may result in the loss of exclusive rights and potential cancellation of the trademark.

Businesses offering company incorporation, company registration, business setup, corporate services, accounting services, or real estate services in the UAE should prioritize trademark registration and maintenance. This not only safeguards their brand identity but also prevents consumer confusion and potential legal disputes.

Tips for Maintaining and Enforcing Trademark Rights:

  • Regular Monitoring: Stay vigilant by monitoring trademark databases, marketplaces, and online platforms for any unauthorized use or infringement of your trademark.
  • Prompt Action: If infringement is detected, take swift and decisive action to address the issue. This may involve sending cease-and-desist letters, initiating legal proceedings, or pursuing alternative dispute resolution methods.
  • Record Keeping: Maintain detailed records of your trademark registration, trademark renewal dates, and any correspondence related to enforcement actions. This documentation strengthens your case in the event of legal disputes.
  • Brand Protection Strategies: Implement proactive measures to protect your brand, such as using trademark symbols (™ or ®), educating employees about trademark usage guidelines, and implementing internal brand monitoring procedures.
  • Regular Renewal: Ensure timely renewal of your trademark registration to maintain its validity and exclusivity. Failure to renew can result in the loss of trademark rights and expose your brand to potential trademark infringement.

Infringing Trademark

Should there be any businesses in the UAE that are infringing on your trademark in the future, you can contact the Ministry of Economy which will take necessary action. The penalties include confiscation of goods, fines, and imprisonment.


In today’s competitive business landscape, intellectual property protection is paramount. The UAE’s trademark laws and regulations provide a robust framework for safeguarding brand identities and preventing infringement. By conducting a thorough trademark search, adhering to the UAE Trademark Office’s procedures, and maintaining timely renewals, businesses can ensure their trademarks remain protected.

It is advisable for companies operating in the UAE, whether based in Abu Dhabi or seeking assistance from UAE consulate offices or foreign affairs offices, to consult with professional trademark services providers. These experts can guide businesses through the nuances of trademark registration, maintenance, and enforcement, ensuring compliance with the UAE’s federal laws and maximizing the value of their intellectual property assets.

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