Business in Dubai

5 Common Things You Need To Do Before Opening Business in Dubai

Published On: September 25, 2014Views: 295

When setting up or opening a business in Dubai, there are a few steps you have to take before you can pass your inspection and open your doors. This quick checklist will outline exactly what you need to do before your inspection date.

Door Signage:

Get your logo and/or company name printed on a professional board to hang or stick to your office door. If you can’t get this done in time, then at least last put up something temporary such as a piece of paper. The sign just needs to clearly indicate which company operates in that respective office.

No Smoking Signs:

Print up or buy some “No Smoking” stickers and place them all around the office. In order to pass these criteria, you need to place one sticker for every section of your office. For example, you will place one in your reception area, another by the washrooms (if applicable), then another in every area there is a cluster of desks. Also, the signs need to be visible so be sure to place them at eye level.

Emergency Numbers:

You are required to place all Dubai emergency numbers in visible areas of your office. You don’t need as many as the “No-Smoking” signs, but ideally, you’ll put the list next to those. Make sure to list the below at the top of your list, and then be sure to add all other emergency numbers such as specific police station numbers:

  • Emergency (Police and Ambulance): 999
  • Fire Department: 997
  • Electricity and Water (DEWA): 991

Fire Extinguishers:

You need to start a contract with one specific fire extinguisher company to come and do regular checks of your fire extinguishers. You also need to have a certain amount in your office based on the size of your office. The extinguishers need to be refilled and checked before your official inspection.

Safety and Maintenance Inspection:

Finally, you need to get a pre-inspection done through a regulatory authority on safety and maintenance so you can take care of any hazards that are present in your office space before your official inspection.

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